Monday, April 4, 2011


We are in a "code gray" situation in the hospital which means there is a tornado warning in Nashville.  As opposed to sitting on the floor in the hall, we are in the Prayer Room - fitting for us.

I spoke to Tom's PCP briefly.  His ammonia level is down to 74.  Normal is 40-50.  He started at 125/130 so that's looking good.  The liver is slightly better, don't have the exact numbers on it but it was good news to hear.  They continue to monitor the white blood cell count which has been up over the weekend.  Bilirubin remains a concern as well.  Tom's is at 22, normal is 1.  There is no treatment for lowering this, it's something the liver needs to do.  The hernia area bled when Tom stood up this morning and it took a bit of effort to get it stopped.  The liver makes clotting factors too - we need some more of those.  His PCP had not met with the stomach doctor yet so maybe we will get some more information from him.  They are changing his antibiotics to see if different meds will help the kidneys.

Tom will remain in critical condition for the duration of his stay in CCU.  There is no time frame at all on this, I can't even get a "guesstimate".

Please pray, pray, pray for the bilirubin to come down and the liver to continue to improve and make some clotting factors.

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