Monday, April 25, 2011


A quick mid-day post to share the good news.  Tom's surgeon came in to take a look at the hernia (at the PCP's request).  So far it looks good enough to leave alone until the liver improves and they can do surgery.  So, we're putting that subject on the back-burner for a while.  The docs have no idea why the white blood cell count spiked but since everything seems to be trending in the right direction they feel it's OK to move to the next step.;

Tom's PCP came in right after that and said although he could let Tom go home, he's not sure that would be the best thing because Tom is still so weak.  So the doc is going to request approval (from the insurance company) for Tom to move to in-patient rehab for PT for a week or two.  There is a facility on the same floor of the hospital so that is what I think the doc is going to recommend.  Don't know how quickly that will happen but my guess would be this week.  His PCP said Tom "could wear his own clothes and do everything he is doing now" but would get more intensive PT.  I think that would be a good thing too.  Tom may need a little encouragement in that area so pray on!!


  1. My head seems to be spinning! WOW! That's really good news...

  2. This is wonderful news, Jeanne. Every step getting you and Tom closer to being whole again. We are all hoping he can go home soon. And a tardy Happy Easter to you and Tom!

  3. Whoohoooo!!! Looks like things are moving forward!!! Great news!!
