Friday, April 29, 2011


Today is the day . . . Tom is moving to rehab.  We've had a wonderful visit from the kidney doctor who said Tom's Creatinine is down to 1.1 which is right smack in the middle of the normal range.  His bilirubin is now down to 9.1 so still high but not the 32 it once was!!

We are waiting for his PCP to arrive and start the discharge process.  In the meantime, it's breakfast and a shower.  We're just about all packed up and ready to go - I've been taking "stuff" home for the past 3 days!

Tom's case manager doesn't think he will need to be in rehab more than a week and may not even need home health after that so I'll probably call upon my parents to come and stay with us for a few days after Tom gets home just to help.

I'll post later today after Tom get's settled in his new place.

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