Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Tom said both the kidney doc and his PCP said his numbers are looking better.  He said his "bili something" is down - that would be a medical term from a man taking charge of his own health.  Anyway, it is very good news.  I'll get the actual numbers from his nurse later today. 

He had PT this morning and is doing more on his own.  I suggested maybe we could take a walk this evening.

He is not itching as bad but his back hurts him constantly and he is sore from working his muscles.  I told him the more he did, the better they would get.  

Cathy and Jennifer have arrived in town and are on their way to the hospital.  Tom is pretty excited about seeing them.

The weather in Nashville was bad last night.  The nurse came in about 1 a.m. and told us to be prepared for a "Code Gray" (tornado warning) which would send me to the hall in my jammies.  Fortunately that didn't happen.  I was more worried about the tree at home but it survived until the landscaping crew came today and cut it down.  That's a gazillion fewer leaves I have to rake this fall!!

I'll try to get some more definite health info for tonight's post.  Thanks for your patience in waiting all day for this one.  God is good . . . all the time!

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