Sunday, April 24, 2011


Christ has Risen!  Hallelujah!

Hope you're all having a wonderful Easter Sunday.  I can't remember a time when I wasn't in church on Easter Sunday.  The Easter Bunny was here and brought Tom an Easter basket.

After a pretty good nights sleep, Tom has had a shower and has received a 30 minute hall pass to go outside today.  Maybe we'll hunt some Easter eggs.

The PCP on call said the kidney numbers continue to go down (yipee), the liver enzymes are about the same and his white blood cell count is about the same.  They apparently forgot to check the ammonia level this morning so the lab came back and took some more blood for that.

The docs want Tom to have some more nutrition so Tom is back to having one of the protein drinks he normally has each day (he prefers that over Ensure).  Hopefully that will provide him the nutrition the docs are looking for.

Please continue to pray for improvement in all areas - hopefully we'll be out of here soon!  Cathy and Dave will be heading back to Georgia shortly so please pray for travel mercies.

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