Monday, April 18, 2011


Tonight, Tom and I dined on Las Palmas Mexican.  It was Tom's request and since he can't get a burrito from the menu here, we went rogue!  It was really yummy.

I finally got some numbers from the nurse.  I'm not sure she read everything correctly  because there were some jumps where I didn't expect them to be so now I have something to ask the doctors (if I see them).  The kidney numbers do look much better but still above the normal range.  It will be interesting to see what they look like tomorrow.

Tom's biggest aggravation is the itching.  I have tried some spray and lotion to try to stay within  hospital "rules" but may have to break down and get some cortisone because he is just miserable (which means I am miserable too). 

He did have some physical therapy today and sat in the chair for about 30-45 minutes.  His orders are to be in the chair 3 times a day but if PT doesn't come to do it, the nurses don't feel comfortable doing it.  I think Tom is getting stronger and I see him moving himself around in the bed a lot more.  I really think he is over being in the bed and seems more motivated to get out. 

Well, going to go get some cortisone.  Pray that Tom will stop itching!

1 comment:

  1. My experience with leg itching is awful. I caused a wound that took almost a year to heal...and that with a nurse coming once a week and taking a shower with my foot in a garbage bag. I BELIEVE IN CORTIZONE CREAM!!
