Friday, May 4, 2012


Where to start?!? Just when I finish one post, there are dramatic changes. When I left you last, they had kicked me out of Tom's cube to put in a pic line. I was told to wait an hour and call to make sure they were done. I went to wait in my most favorite place in Baptist Hospital (NOT): the ICU waiting room. About 45 minutes later, they called for me to come back and sign papers. I figured the pic line was in and they wanted to give him some blood. When I got to his cube, there was a flurry of activity, people running in and out, monitors beeping, red lights flashing. A doctor told me I needed to sign some papers so they could intubate him! I just stared at him and he repeated himself and told me Tom needed to be intubated before he went to surgery!! All of the color (what color there is) must have drained from my face because he said "let me get Dr. Rosen to get you caught up". I said, that would be a very good idea. Dr. Rosen told me he needed to look at the infection in Tom's leg and find out what is going on and surgery is the only way to do that. I signed the papers and got out before I had to see them stick a tube down Tom's throat. Dr. Rosen told me he would meet me in the surgery waiting room. I left the ICU and called Tom's sisters and my mom to let them know what was happening and that they might want to start packing some clothes. While Tom was in surgery, Dr. Rutland, his primary care physician, came in and sat with me and we talked through the events of this past week. He told me Tom was very sick and even if they got the infection undere control, he was concerned about Tom's blood pressure and what the medicine they were giving him would do to his kidneys. It was almost the same conversation we had 14 months ago when Tom first got sick. I guess God has made me stronger because I haven't had a melt-down yet - even when I talked to the family! Since I'm not allowed in ICU between 6-8 am and pm, I went home at six, fed the dogs, got my glasses, toothbrush and a pillow. I thought I would be able to stay the night in his cube but they have told me I cannot. I'll stay as long as I can though. Tonight they have him mildly sedated, with more stuff going into his veins than you would believe. He will stay on the vent all night and will test his breathing starting at 8 in the morning. If he is breathing on his own for an hour, they will take him completely off. He is alerted when they suction his mouth, that breaks my heart. He opened his eyes earlier and I could tell he was very uncomfortable so I'll do better to see him sleep tonight. Thelma is staying at the house so I'm planning to stay here and then I can come in and out. I've had enough tea I probably won't sleep much anyway. They said the surgery site is very clean and they are pleased so far. They will not close it up until Sunday or Monday. It was not as bad as they thought it would be so it's still a concern why his BP and heart rate are so off. His BP has improved but it's still pretty low. The compressed vertebrae in Tom's back (the reason he came to the hospital this morning) are not a concern. In fact the MRI shows he's had them in the past. So although it is painful, rest and PT will be what he gets for that. So, your prayers for me have prevented a panic attack and melt-down and there has been no "lady crying in the hall". I am still very scared. Please pray for Tom's healing. He's not ready for a liver at this moment, but that continues to be our goal. If there are changes tonight, I'll post. Otherwise it will probably be mid-morning tomorrow.

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