Tuesday, December 18, 2012

No beds at UAB

There are no beds at UAB so for now, Tom will stay in Baptist - Nashville. They seem to want to keep him in ICU as well. The infectious disease doc came by and wants to do a paracentesis tomorrow. He doesn't think it is anything big but, for Tom, the littlest thing can be big. They detected a bacterial infection in one of four blood samples so they are giving Tom an antibiotic and will see how things go tomorrow. I've been worried all along about an infection in his abdomen.

Tom is slightly less confused, they say. I'm not so sure. He just keeps saying he is scared. We've found a few creative ways to give him his medicine.

I came home to a beautiful Christmas bouquet of flowers tonight. Compliments of our neighbors. It actually looks like Christmas inside our house! I may even get to wrap some gifts tonight although I'm not sure the dogs will leave me along long enough!

Praying I can provide better news tomorrow.

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