Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Back at Baptist

We are back in the Baptist ER. After a phone conversation with the NHC doc tonight, he felt like it would be best for Tom to get checked out. I called NHC this afternoon because I was getting concerned that there was excessive fluid in Tom's abdomen, his encephalopathy (confusion) was getting worse and all he did was moan in pain. His nurse told me she would discuss the situation with the nurse practitioner. When I got to NHC tonight, I reiterated my concerns to the night nurse. Even his day tech said his abdomen was much worse and she had said something to the nurse. Tom did not eat but 3 bites of dinner (all cold). I just couldn't help worrying. His night nurse called Dr. McGinley. I'm not sure what was said but when he asked to speak to me, he told me he thought Tom should go to Baptist - I did try for UAB.

So, here we are. They have drawn blood and started IV fluids. They feel like Tom is a little dehydrated. He is, at this moment, getting a CAT scan on his abdomen and his head. All Tom says is "ow" over and over. He's not really interested in answering any questions. He did know my name and says he knows where he is but I'm not so sure.

I spent about 15 minutes with Tom's NHC roommate after Tom left. He was all out of sorts about what was going on. Because of HIPPA, they couldn't tell him anything but he wouldn't quit. He was pretty upset. The nurse finally asked me if he could tell the roommate what was going on. I told him I would talk to him. It was actually kind of funny but also sad. He wanted to know know what was going on, why they wouldn't tell him anything, and why they didn't do this "in the daylight"! I told him I wondered the same thing! Apparently he gets pretty worried about his roommates. He wanted to know who was with Tom and if I was going to the hospital in a separate car. I finally told him he needed to get some rest since he is supposed to be leaving rehab soon to try to get him to stop asking questions.

I went home to feed the dogs and to do some server work and then headed to the hospital. They seem kind of busy tonight. I had hoped they would be further along with Tom by the time I got here. I know he will be staying but I don't want to leave until I know the blood test results. I have some stuff to do first thing in the morning so I cannot sleep in. It's closing in on 1 am so there won't be much more than a nap tonight.

Tom is now back and he's sleeping. I doubt it will be for long though. I'd like to see him get settled in his room, but I don't know what the availability is like - they've closed a few floors here recently. I'll post again later this morning.

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