Monday, December 17, 2012

Confused again

Tom is somewhat confused again today. He has moments of clarity but is very sleepy too. My diagnosis: ammonia level. They did not test his ammonia level this morning but have called to have it done. Dr. Neidermeyer, the intensivist, just came by and agrees that Tom's ammonia may be elevated. It sounds like everything else is about the same. His creatinine is down a little so I'm glad I have the blood tests when it was higher that were sent to UAB. They are watching his kidney function closely. Dr. Dunn is back on the case so we're happy about that.

With my schedule today, I'll probably not see Rutland. I am anxious to know if Dr. Miller hears from UAB. It seems like he makes his rounds at the end of the day so maybe I'll see him tonight.

I don't know the rest of the blood test results, maybe things will be more calm later today and I can get them. His nurse did say Tom's electrolytes are "out of whack" but they've been that way. Today he is getting magnesium. I helped move Tom around in his bed a little and he didn't complain about pain at all.

I'll post again this evening.

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