Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ammonia level down to 43

Hard to believe! Tom is so much better today. Dr. Rutland didn't offer much of an explanation about the spiked ammonia level. I asked him if he would review the test results for the past week and see if there was a set that could be sent to UAB for them to evaluate. All of the tests have to be run in the same day and they don't run every test every day. The day Tom's ammonia level was so high they didn't run the liver enzymes so although that should have made a big pact on the list position, it can't be used.

Tom's kidneys are still doing great. Managing the fluid is going to continue to be a problem though and Tom will have to keep dealing with these hospital visits unless UAB decides to do the Denver Shunt procedure or something else happens. Not really what we wanted to hear but I'm hoping we can find a way to balance the meds and manage it somehow.

Out neighbors have come through for us again and will go over in the afternoons and let the pups out for some playtime. That will save me a trip home from work and back to the hospital which gives me an extra hour of time at work and/or with Tom. I've been making 2 - 3 trips per day which is really tiring.

Tom's hematocrit was low today so they are giving him 2 units of blood tonight. It takes quite a while to run so hopefully there are some good movies on TV for him to watch. There are still problems with the Internet access here. I'm typing this post on my iPhone.

That's about it for tonight. My thumbs are tired!

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