Friday, October 14, 2011


Tom's final test is scheduled for 9:30 this morning.  It is the echocardiogram.  Then, unless they want to see something different, we wait.

Dr. Covington (my new favorite doc) came in early this morning and said things are still progressing with the transplant eval.  He continues to say that everything looks positive.  I told him what Dr. Dubay said about increasing Tom's strength and my concern that Tom continues to receive blood (2 units last night) and albumin which are IV meds and if we are "sent home" for a couple of weeks for Tom to get stronger, how will Tom get these things?  Dr. Covington said that he is a bit troubled as to why so much blood is needed as well and said they would arrange for care if we were sent home.  I don't understand why they would send him back to Nashville when he could stay here - which is what I prefer at this point.  Dr. C said he and Dr. Dubay discussed Tom's case yesterday - so if he's still positive, we need to be also.  I asked if he thought Tom would be considered in the conference Monday night, he said he wasn't sure.  Now that we know all of the tests will be completed, I feel certain they will at least discuss his case.  PRAY PRAY PRAY that we'll get in. 

Tom will be working like crazy this weekend to get stronger.  We know we will be here all weekend so that's all we need to focus on. 

Dr. Covington said that Tom's kidneys are back to normal - PRAISE THE LORD!  I didn't doubt this - I knew with the proper care they would come around.  Tom still has a lot of fluid in his legs which gets worse as he is up moving around (gravity) so this is an added challenge.  But moving is good to get the fluid moving and hopefully working it's way out.  Tom is very, very sore and we're just telling him he has to push through it which is tough when you already don't feel good. 

Cathy has created a long list of blessings we have received since arriving here.  We will focus on it when we get scared or concerned.  It's amazing all of the things that have happened for Tom and us - including the head of Psychology who was standing in line behind Cathy and offering to pay for our breakfast at Starbucks yesterday morning!

Thank you faithful followers. 

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