Monday, October 17, 2011


The echo-cardiogram report did not make it to the Transplant Coordinator in time to make it to the meeting tonight but the surgeons are going to look at the report tomorrow and we should have an answer by "rounds" which are usually about 10 am.  So, mom and I will be spending the night with Tom tonight.

His doc said the pulmonary pressure test was slightly elevated but not out of range and shouldn't be an issue so we're just hoping and praying the echo report causes no problems.

Tom didn't have a very good day today.  He had stomach cramps for most of it.  The doctor came in and checked him out and decided it was probably low potassium. They have been giving him IV potassium this evening.  Mom and Dad think he is much more alert.  He's also getting iron supplements so that will hopefully make him feel better.

I am trying to get Tom into rehab for additional PT while he waits for a liver.  I don't think he's too happy about it but I did sit down and explain my reasons this evening.  I think the docs agree so if insurance allows it, he'll probably go there for a week or two (it may be in Birmingham or Nashville).  Then, maybe in that time-frame he might get a liver.  If not, he'll come home and wait from there. 

Still very rugged, very high mountains to climb.  Tom's attitude is great!

As soon as I know something on the list, I'll post it.

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