Saturday, October 15, 2011


A week ago, Tom arrived at UAB.  Today he walked three laps in the hall!  What a miracle that he is doing so well!  Not much of anything happened today.  Tom spent a great deal of the day sitting in his chair and walking.  He ate really well too! 

A co-worker of mine (Matt) dropped by this evening with a "care package" from home.  It included slippers for Tom, a fleece jacket for me, an extension cord and our mail for the week!  It was good to see a "face from home"

Debbie and I got the munchies this afternoon but all of the gift shops and cafeteria's were closed.  She set out to find the CVS pharmacy near the hospital and then stopped at Mellow Mushroom for some dinner.  It was nice to have non-cafeteria food today!

Tom continues to receive albumin and lasix via IV for the swelling (which is getting better) and a variety of meds in pill form.  The on-call doc mentioned all of the blood Tom had received this week - they are still wondering why his red blood cell count keeps dropping.  It doesn't appear that the blood is pooling anywhere in his system so the doc is thinking it is one of the meds or maybe a combination of meds that might be killing off the red blood cells before they get to the spleen.  Anyway, I'm going with that reason because anything else sounds too serious.

Tom received the cutest bouquet of flowers from his aunt, uncle and cousins today.  I am attaching a picture below (if you're my Facebook friend, you've already seen them).  Anyway, it's nice to have a pet in the room, I guess we'll need to give it a name.

I'm guessing tomorrow will be a lot like today.  Debbie will need to head home so  it will just be the two of us until my parents arrive on Monday.  I hope to get Tom walking even greater distances tomorrow and will do anything and everything to keep my mind off of the decisions being made on Monday.

Please keep praying for Tom.

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