Friday, October 14, 2011


At least we think they are.  What a day - it took most of it to get the tests.  Get up, wait, they come get you, wait, they send you back, wait, come get you again, wait . . .  Tom's sister Debbie arrived today (yipee) and she went with Tom to the nuclear cardiac test where they image the heart in slices.   Since she is in radiology tech school it was a little "extra credit".  I know it made Tom feel better to have her there.

Cathy has gone home to spend some time with her husband, Dave.  I feel like we've hogged all of her time but she has been such a blessing to have here.

We didn't see any more docs after my earlier post today; they're continuing to say things are still good.  Tom was up a lot today so he is tired but walked a good distance with physical therapy.  He also made a lap up to and around the nurses station this evening so he's making good progress.  He will have physical therapy tomorrow but there should be nothing else going on so that will give us lots of time to walk.  By Monday morning, I want there to be no question in Dr. Dubay's mind that Tom is strong enough for the surgery.

Debbie and I will both stay with Tom in his room tonight so I'm preparing her for what's ahead.  It's not a really restful nights sleep so you just sleep when you can.  It really depends on what medications he gets.  He's kind of behind on meds because he was gone so much today and for the first few hours this morning was not allowed to have any food or beverage. 

There may be just an evening post tomorrow unless there is something exciting to share.  Just keep praying!

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