Monday, October 17, 2011


Well, Dr. Covington said Tom should be well enough to leave the hospital in a couple of days.  Whether he gets added to the transplant list today or not, there is no need to keep him here.  I am suggesting he go to rehab (either in Birmingham or in Nashville) because I just don't think he is quite ready to be at home yet.  It makes me nervous on so many different levels.  Of course I'd like him to stay near Birmingham if he makes the list but the docs assured me there would be plenty of time even if we were in Nashville.  So, I guess I need to let that worry go.  They also said there is a much greater chance for infection if he stays in the hospital or rehab.  They still might have their rehab folks come down and evaluate him.  I know Tom wants to go home but . . .

Dr. Smallfield reiterated Tom's improved health and seemed impressed with how he looked and how much he had walked.  Everything he does requires assistance though so that pretty much means he could not be left alone.  Fortunately, his aunt is available to help next week but it takes a lot of work to help him.  I also am concerned with continued PT which he can get with some assistance with home health but I really want him to have a drill sargent.  (I know that sounds mean but he needs to be as strong as he possibly can before surgery).

I mentioned in a previous post that Cathy put together a list of blessings we had received since arriving at UAB.  I need to add to it but Dr. Covington was reading it this morning and announced "I made the blessings list".  The docs got a kick out of the fact that the list referred to him as "Doogie Covington".  He is very young (28 I think)!  His nurse today was looking to see if she was on the blessings list so I guess I better add everyone so they will continue to take good care of Tom - don't want to make anyone mad.

I raised my concern about the meds Tom is getting via IV and the docs are already beginning to reduce those.  Tom's iron level is really, really low so they've started an iron supplement.  The electro-cardiogram test was not done last week so it is scheduled for 1 pm today.  Hopefully this will be the last of the tests and the team won't be meeting until all of the results are in.

My parents arrived an hour ago so I've been giving them the "tour".  I'll sign off now and update again later.

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