Monday, October 10, 2011


The surgeon said OK!!

He didn't even come in to see Tom either!

Two of the doctors came in to draw some fluid off of his abdomen tonight (FIVE liters) and said they were scheduling some tests for Tom tomorrow.  I said, well, the surgeon was supposed to come in and see if Tom would be OK for surgery and we haven't seen him.  The doc said they spoke with the surgeon, gave him the info on Tom and the surgeon said go ahead with the evaluation tests!

So, on to the next steps.  There will be lots and lots of tests to evaluate him as a candidate for a transplant.  God has brought us so far.  I can't even begin to tell you how much lighter our hearts are right now.  We know there is much ahead.  We needlessly spent so much time in worry today but also lots of time in prayer.  I need to be sure and read the "Jesus Calling" devotions in the morning instead of late afternoon.  TRUST JESUS!!

Tom had physical therapy and occupational therapy today and will continue as time permits.  One of the things the doctor said this morning was Tom needs to get moving so he was on his feet for a brief time this morning.  He has eaten better today but we're pushing him to eat even more.  There is a refrigerator where we can store extra food so we've stockpiled some snacks for him. 

Cathy is going to continue to stay to confirm for the team that Tom has support.  The doc said one is good, two is better.  I wanted to tell him we have lots more if they are needed. 

We had a surprise visit today from Cathy's mother-in-law who lives here in Birmingham.  She is such a gracious lady.  We both broke down in tears when we saw her.  She told us she added Tom to her Sunday School prayer list so that surely took us over the top!

Please pray for Tom.  He will have a very busy day tomorrow.  There will be judgement every place he goes.  Some testing is medical, other tests will require him to "perform" and he is still very sick.  Cathy and I will no doubt spend a lot of time in prayer too.  From Tom's room we have a direct view of the LifeFlight landing pad.  There is a LOT of activity there.  I find myself saying prayers for those patients and their families, knowing some of the fear and uncertainty they are feeling.  Sometimes its easier to pray for them.

Thank you prayer warriors.  Praise God!!

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