Saturday, October 22, 2011

Quiet day

It's been a realively quiet day today. It started with Tom asking me what my plans we're ??? I said to take care of you. He said he wasn't sure if there we any shopping malls close. Little did he know I know exactly where the good shopping is - it was so tempting to head out but I stayed. Tom completed a two lap walk just as physical therapy arrived so they did some other exercises. Toms calves are really bothering him so she stretched those for him. Our "group" of docs came in and said things are looking good. I asked about being "listed" on Monday and was told they will meet at 4 but they still don't see any reason why he won't be.

They took a lot of blood for tests yesterday morning and then came rushing in yesterday afternoon and drew some more. Tom and I got a little concerned and asked the nurse about it. She really wasn't sure but told us not to worry and she would send the doctor in to help answer questions. He came in about 2 am but didn't have many answers. Toms WBC is high again but they think it's an adrenal gland thing which can be treated with steroids but they didn't give him any of those today. He did get two units of the cryogenic stuff that helps his blood clot. It still makes me nervous that every couple of days they give him something like that. If Tom goes to rehab or home, we won't have that constant monitoring. It's not obvious that things like that are not right.

Tom has had a bit of attitude since I returned. I told him today I think his limit is two weeks. He did pretty good the two weeks at Baptist and then the first two weeks here but he's getting a little "snippy" with everyone. I really can't blame him and I can handle it if he's snippy with me, I just don't like him being that way with everyone else. Maybe that change of scenery will really come early next week.

I really wanted to go outside today because it was so beautiful but Tom wasn't interested. Maybe he'll be up for it tomorrow. He napped through football and I read a book and cleaned his room as much as I could with limited supplies. The housekeeping service is not that great here. We had a good tech today so she was able to get everything on my list that we needed.

It deemed like we had a lot of interruptions last night, hopefully tonight will be less busy!

Thanks faithful followers. Pray on. . . .

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