Thursday, March 29, 2012


Tom had an appointment with Dr. Rutland yesterday.  They drew blood but we don't know the test results yet.  Tom has gained some weight (fluid) since leaving UAB so he will be back on lasix to see if that will get it back under control.  Of course we really don't know if the shunt/pump is working either.  I told him to pump the pump because that was what he was supposed to do when he got excess fluid.  He told me he "knows what to do" so I left it at that.

Today is the last day he is on an antibiotic so we'll watch to see if anything changes.  It's like walking on egg shells to ask him anything about his health.  Tom's mood and attitude have not been the best this past week - I am so over it. 

We asked Dr. Rutland about a referral to Vanderbilt Gastroenterology (which the Blue Cross case manager and I discussed last week).  Vanderbilt only accepts doctor to doctor referrals so I was unable to make an appointment on my own.  Dr. Rutland's response was to have the case manager call him - he was not going to go through "that" again.  He is clearly still upset with Vanderbilt over not accepting Tom for a transplant evaluation in the first place and doesn't like the way they handled it at all.  I asked him if it would be better that if Tom had to go back to the hospital, I just have him taken to Vanderbilt.  Dr. Rutland's response was "we can take care of him at Baptist".  Tom was OK with his responses so I guess we keep doing what we've been doing.

I asked Dr. Rutland what I should do if Tom continues to gain weight, he said to come in and see him.  I have created a chart again for Tom to track his weight.  I think it helps for him to see it.  Dr. Rutland actually thought he looked better and not so gaunt.  He's looked flushed to me so I'm worried about a fever.  I can't imagine with all of the antibiotics he had at UAB that he would have any kind of infection.  I just need to be patient and see what the blood tests show.  Dr. Rutland seemed more concerned about the potassium level.

At least Tom has been alert and "with it".  The extra weight is making it more of a challenge for him to get around - he's not driving right now.

I'm still praying that Tom will be fortunate enough to get a liver while his MELD score is higher.

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