Saturday, March 3, 2012

Tom is home!

The doc on-call originally said he was going to run blood tests in the morning and if they looked ok, he could go home. He asked Tom if there was anything he needed, Tom said "discharge me". The doc read his ammonia level and hematocrit (which the nurse had already told me was 32). The chart he had showed an ammonia level of 128 and hematocrit of 25.6. I questioned both readings so he went back to check the computer and called the room and told me Tom's ammonia level was 78 and his hematocrit was indeed 32. He said there was no reason for Tom to stay so if he wanted to go home, he could. I asked Tom and his response was "whatever you think". I'm sure most wives would love that response all the time but quite frankly, I'm getting tired of it.

Tom is very tired and that worries him. Therefore I am worried too. The doc said there was nothing different they would be doing at the hospital that we couldn't do at home. He has done ok so far so please, please pray that he can stay home. I'm trying not to second guess myself for coming home. I will admit it was a selfish decision although I thought he would feel better being at home too. The puppies were super excited to see him!

All of his other readings looked good. They have even reduced the amount of lasix he's taking. I'll take Tom to the doctor next week to have his blood tested again just to make sure things are still ok. I am planning to go to Austin, TX on Monday morning and come home Tuesday afternoon. Our friends are helping out to stay with Tom while I'm gone. Originally, Tom was going to stay by himself but since he's spent the past 7 days in the hospital we felt it was better if someone stayed with him.

I'm praying for a quiet night and that we won't have to make a trip back to the hospital. I am going to have faith that everything is ok and Tom just needs to rest.

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