Wednesday, March 21, 2012


We are still here!  I left to go home yesterday about 4:30 and arrived back here at 9:15 this morning.  It was nice to be home and get some sleep, see the puppies and get my toothbrush (not to mention do some laundry, wash the dishes, go through the mail, clean up a little)!  When I got home, I called Tom.  He told me he had a slight fever.  This morning, his fever was higher, his BP low, and heart rate high; clearly he wasn't feeling well.  He was not confused, but tired - almost flu-like. 

He's received 2 different antibiotics so far today and will receive a third one shortly.  The docs feel like he has an infection but they don't yet know what/where.  Tom was admitted on the "medical" team so the "liver" team had only been consulting.  He has been moved to the "liver" team now and there is a lot more activity.  He has had a thorough evaluation - including looking at the shunt/pump.  I think/hope we'll get more answers and Tom will start to feel better. We were just told the transplant surgeons will come in tomorrow and evaluate the shunt/pump.  I'm praying all will turn out well with it.  I don't want to have to deal with the fluid retention again - I know Tom sure doesn't!  The liver team has residents on this floor 24-hours a day so if we need anything at all, they are right here!  They can only support a certain number of patients too so they are more focused. 

They are adjusting some of Tom's other meds tonight too. 

I managed to leave my iPad and charger at home.  Fortunately I have my PC so I can do some work.  It's new to me so maybe I'll have some time to "break it in" and get used to it.  It always takes me a while to get it set up the way I like it.

The best surprise of the day was a visit from Tom's sister, Cathy!  She arrived about 10 minutes after I did and stayed the entire day.  It was so nice to have the company and the help.  I know Tom was really happy to see her and have her here.  He cherishes visits from his friends and family more than he ever has.

My prayers continue for a liver transplant soon.   For tonight, specifically, it will be that the shunt/pump issue is resolved and these new medicines help Tom feel better.

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