Saturday, March 24, 2012


It was one year ago today that Tom went to the hospital and I heard dreadful words that he might not survive.  With all of the hospital stays we've had since then, a total of 142 days, it seems surreal that he is in the hospital today - but . . . HE'S GOING HOME!

Tom was up early this morning because he couldn't sleep.  He decided he was going to go get some coffee up at the nurses station.  He didn't want help from me at all (he has a bit of attitude this morning).  He shaved, brushed his hair & teeth, put on his robe and took off down the hall.  I went ahead and took a shower - he was back with his coffee when I got out.  Shortly after that, Dr. Roth came in and asked him if he was ready to go home.  Of course, the answer was yes!  They have removed his catheter and are giving him an IV dose of magnesium over the next two hours.  We will meet with the team during rounds to go over medication changes and stuff.  I think the plan is to be discharged by 1 pm.  Tom will need to go and see Dr. Rutland this week so I'll work on that Monday.  I'll also work on getting him an appointment with a gastroenterologist at Vanderbilt.  I'm sure it will be 30-60 days before he can see a doctor there.

They've given him 3 doses of potassium in the last 24 hours.  It's strange that he needs so much since 6 days ago, his potassium was so high!  The doctors are convinced he was dehydrated and that was the primary cause of all of the problems.  He has not been on lasix this week so we'll see if they decide to continue that going forward.  I'm sure it is something we will need to watch.  That is the biggest challenge for me.  Tom and I usually do not agree on when he needs to take more or less of a medication. 

I can't even begin to give enough thank-you's to our family, friends and so many folks we've never met for their prayers and support this past year.  I so wish Tom had a new liver.  However, we are sitting at our best opportunity for a transplant thus far so I ask you to pray that he can get one before his MELD score drops again.  I know the problems don't go away once he gets a liver but I'm counting on the new set of problems to not be as difficult.  Tom couldn't have survived without the wonderful doctors and nurses he's had taking care of him and I could not have survived without you all.  I know I can't handle another year of this but I would never have thought I could have handled this past 12 months either.  So, we continue to take it one day at a time and enjoy God's blessings.

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