Friday, December 16, 2011

Today's Doctors Appointment

Tom's doctors appointment today went well.  Tom still has a lot of fluid so Dr. Rutland has prescribed another diuretic.  He is also going to add four more days of IV antibiotics along with the Lasix so that should keep my nursing skills fresh.  Tom had blood drawn today and Dr. Rutland said he would send those results to UAB.  It will be interesting to see how they compare to Monday's results.  The fluid is really bothering Tom and makes it difficult for him to get around.  The doctor has requested he stay off his feet as much as possible.

Monday will be a busy day at UAB.  Tom will have an ultrasound, get his blood work done and visit with the doctor.  It will be good for them to see all of this fluid - I don't know if that will help his cause since they score only on the blood tests.  It seems like it should factor in somewhere.  Dr. Rutland says he can pull the fluid off but Tom will need to be hospitalized for that so we're going to wait and see how this new med does and also see what UAB says - hopefully UAB won't want to keep him in Birmingham to do the same thing!

Tom's uncle, Bob, has been visiting us.  It is so nice to have family in town.  It's really good for Tom.  Bob wanted a list of things to do but I couldn't really think of anything that didn't involve being outdoors.  It is cold, windy and rainy today so Tom suggested he prime a new door we have in the house.  I hadn't done anything to it because I wasn't sure if I wanted it stained or painted.  I guess we'll be painting it - eventually - once I decide on what the kitchen cabinets and flooring are going to look like.

Please pray that the fluid works its way out of Tom's system.

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