Friday, December 23, 2011

Just when you thought ... couldn't get any worse. Toms doc came in early this morning and told him he would not be going home this weekend. He is beyond upset to be spending Christmas in the hospital. Lots of thoughts go through my head when I think about spending another holiday in the hospital but I am trying to focus on much more positive things like Tom is still alive and we are going to spend Christmas together and with his sisters who have changed their plans and are coming up on Christmas day to surprise him!

When he tried to get up to go to the bathroom later this morning, he tripped and fell. He hurt his leg, wrist and pulled his catheter. I got here right after they got him cleaned up and back to bed and things were still not going well. There was lots of blood. They have removed and replaced the cath and we are waiting on a portable X-ray for his wrist. The pain is very intense and he is even more miserable (if that is even possible). All of these additional injuries add to the possibility of infection so pray that doesn't happen.

It's really difficult to understand why these meds cannot be given to him by a home health nurse. He is receiving albumin which takes about 45 minutes by IV, followed 30 minutes later by a lasix injection. This happens only once a day and for that he spends the other 22.5 hours laying in bed. When I check the bed scale, his weight is coming down slowly. They want to make sure not to do too much that might upset the kidneys - we don't want that either - they've been every stable and his output has been phenomenal so hopefully this setback will not affect anything else. Needless to say he will not be getting up anymore - of course, that creates more challenges with his care.

A prayer has been answered and X-ray just arrived. Hopefully there is someone here who can read it and Tom can get some kind of relief very soon. He cannot take a lot of pain meds so they have given him all he can have until 6 pm.

I'll send another update when we have X-ray results. Pray for us both!

Thank you!

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