Thursday, December 29, 2011

Rough day

Today started out with Tom tugging on his cath, causing more bleeding. They finally just removed it which brings on new challenges. He couldn't keep his eyes open this morning so I hung out and managed to get him to tell me what he wanted for breakfast. When I got back at lunch, his breakfast tray was in the room but had not been touched. His room was a mess so I spent time cleaning up, emptying the trash and cleaning the bathroom. Then the vertically challenged housekeeping staff member came in and asked me if I would unlock the paper towel dispenser for her. It's so nice to be needed.

I had asked his nurse this morning about the constant sleepiness, his ammonia level (because Tom has been lethargic again) and requested that he change the bandages on Tom's leg. At lunch, he told me that Tom's ammonia level was high, his potassium level was a little high and they were changing some of his meds. He had not "had a chance" to change the bandages (I understand that but it didn't make me very happy). I didn't think Tom had been taking all of the prescribed ammonia medicine but when I asked him about it he told me it was "fine". I have asked the nursing staff to please be sure they stick around and make sure he takes all of that med. He does really well with the other meds. He's mad at me for saying something about it.

This evening things are slightly better. His bandages have been changed, I only needed to do minor cleaning and he's eating dinner as I write this. He told me Dr. Dunn has taken him off the IV meds so I'll ask the nurse about that. I thought they would give him some blood today but that didn't happen. They are supposed to check everything tomorrow so maybe someone can give me the results then. It's really a struggle to get information out of the staff this time.

I think the staff is assuming Tom is ok on his own. Even though they have the bed alarm on and he may call them when he needs to get up, they are not as responsive as they need to be. Tom said they are doing some kind of group thing where he gets a different nurse every couple of hours. I don't understand that at all.

Tom is taking his frustrations out on me (which is fine) and the cafeteria people. I admit, they are very slow and they will tend to leave his tray on the cart outside his door. He may end up with two dinners tonight. While he was on the phone complaining about not receiving his meal, it was placed on the cart outside. I tried to tell him not to make the food people mad - that could turn out bad!

Since it doesn't look like Tom is getting out of here, I am making plans to head to Memphis on Saturday to celebrate Christmas with my side of our family. I haven't told Tom yet and I'm trying to arrange for some of his friends to hang out with him for a while until I get back. It will be a very quick trip. I know he will be disappointed to miss so I am not making a big deal of it. I'll be back in plenty of time to ring in the new year. Maybe we can go outside at midnight and technically won't be "in" the hospital!! I'll probably pick up some good food from a nice restaurant for us.

Still waiting on the night shift nurse to come in so I can ask all my questions and really make Tom mad. He is now eating dinner number two.

Good night!

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