Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas in the hospital

We've actually had a very nice Christmas - the highlight of course was the surprise visit from Tom's sisters and their families. We had a feast of food and lots of wonderful gifts including a huge bag of snacks from his sister Cathy's co-workers and a special gift from another friend of hers - we are so humbled and blessed. I know it made all the difference in the world to Tom to have his family here. I'm sure he will sleep well tonight too.

Another highlight today was that Tom was allowed to get up and walk around just a little. It was only one time but hopefully he will have a chance to get up more tomorrow. This morning the doc told Tom that things were looking better. The blood Tom received yesterday didn't bring his red blood count up enough so he will probably get some more tomorrow. It should help him feel stronger. He ran a bit of a temperature yesterday and last night but it's been normal today.

I've prayed for all of you and hope you've had a blessed Christmas day. Please continue to spread the joy and hope of Christ's birth throughout the new year.

God bless you.

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