Friday, May 6, 2011


Tom has finally made it home sweet home! 

Our neighbors put up a "Welcome Home" sign complete with balloons - how wonderful is that?!?!?

They sent us home with a loaner wheelchair.  Let me tell you it is probably not worth the trouble it took to get it in the trunk of my car and then into the house - Tom really doesn't need it anyway.  When my sister-in-law had her house built, she had them build all of the doorways so that they were wheelchair accessible.  I said that if Tom and I ever built a house, we were going to do the same thing - I highly recommend that idea - you never know what might happen!  In case you're wondering why I didn't take the truck, Tom preferred the car.

Tom is settled into the recliner and has been served one of my gourmet peanut butter & jelly sandwiches (NOT).  The dogs are getting used to him again - personally I can't wait until they jump on his face and lick it tomorrow morning at 5 a.m.

Later today we might take a joint trip to the grocery store - that ought to be fun.  We haven't done that together in years.  It will probably be expensive too!

NHC gave us the results of Tom's blood work.  His kidney number was .88 (normal is .6 to 1.4 - according to the hospital).  How great is that?!?  His white blood cell count is "within range" also!  They didn't run his liver enzymes.  Home Health will come on Monday and do some more blood work and of course, he's going to the doctor on Tuesday.

For now we will just relax and enjoy something much closer to "normal".  If you don't hear from me for a couple of days, don't worry.  I will post after the doctor visit on Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. I know you will not miss running up and down the roads several times a day!!! Enjoy your "new normal"!
