Monday, February 27, 2012

YIKES - Ammonia level now 206

OK, so, here is the "Dr. Wife's" take on things . . . finishing the antibiotic was the factor that caused his ammonia level to spike, it was getting back under control yesterday with the additional doses of ammonia medicine.  Then, they gave him a dose of the same antibiotic yesterday morning (it was on the list of meds that I gave the ER docs but I had not noted that he had finished the full dosage - which means it's my fault - again).  I asked them yesterday if they had given it to him, they said yes, I asked them at that time to please hold the antibiotic until Dr. Rutland came back to make the call on whether Tom needed it or not.  So again, it was stopped. 

I was a bit concerned that the cellulitis might be coming back because Tom's leg looked a little red to me.  When I asked Dr. Rutland about it this morning, he thought the leg still looked fine and said Tom didn't need the antibiotic.  So I think this is a compound reaction to stopping the med. 

Everything else still looks pretty good.  If they have a full set of labs, I'm going to ask Dr. Rutland to send them to UAB.  Tom was sound asleep most of my lunch visit.  His meal arrived but I could not stay to wake him up and feed it to him.  His nurse said they would check on him at 2, wake him up and make him eat.

I know it's just going to take time to process the food and ammonia medicine and Tom will be himself again.  So, pray that those things happen quickly.

Tom realized he was confused again and it really bothered him.  I told him not to worry, it would be better soon.

More later.

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