Thursday, February 9, 2012


Tom had two doctors appointments yesterday - with his kidney doctor and his PCP.  Both said he was doing well and they were pleased with his progress.  Tom continues to lose fluid slowly.  I decided that if I had a pump that when I used it the scale would show a smaller number . . . I'd be pumping it all day long, every day!  Anyway, Tom says it is a bit uncomfortable but he's doing what he needs to be doing so that's good.

They are still trying to regulate things like potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.  Tom is taking supplements for all three.  Both doctors didn't request another visit for two months but he needs to go back next week to get bloodwork done for the MELD score and he will need to go back the following week to get the potassium, magnesium and phosphorus re-checked (he doesn't know about that yet).  I am happy he is getting his blood checked so often because I like staying on top of things that seem to only show up in the bloodwork, I know he doesn't like it.

Tom actually drove himself to his appointments yesterday and I met him there.  I really like that program a lot!  He even met some of his buddies for lunch beforehand.  He still needs to be taking it easy but I am so glad he's getting up and around.  There are only so many things he can do (right now) around the house and I know if he gets out, he pushes himself more.

He is getting a physical therapy evaluation this week to see how much progress he's made recently and he will get also some direction to help moving forward. 

Both doctors asked if we had any timeframe on when Tom would be getting a transplant.  That is the big question.  I wish we knew!  Unfortunately no one knows.  Everyone is different so we'll just have to wait and see.  Tom goes back to UAB next month.  If his MELD score stays as low as it is now, it won't need to be checked again until May so that is good but also not good.  At least Tom is feeling better and we both need that for a while!

We thank you for continuing to keep us in your prayers. 

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