Sunday, July 29, 2012


Yes, Tom did make it home and is doing well. He is running a slight few today so we're trying not to worry and ask for your prayers that a call to the doctor tomorrow will provide us what we need and we don't have to make a doctors office visit. Tom is moving from the chair to bathroom and has walked to the kitchen and back but things like going in and out of the house, truck or doctors office are very difficult so it would be nice to be able to stay put. Debbie made it to town on Friday and has been a wonderful set of hands and calming factor for me. The furniture is back in and we even have about half of the boxes unpacked. Th countertops were installed and look fabulous! We're all anxious to gt the kitchen sink and running water connected tomorrow. I have loved having a working washer and dryer again! Another highlight from Friday was that our next door neighbors brought over the most amazing home-cooked dinner. I have attached a picture of the spread! We all ate at least two helpings and couldn't wait until lunch on Saturday to eat what was left! Gail is such a wonderful cook. I will need to have her give me lessons. Debbie has offed to do some cooking also so she has dinner duty tomorrow. She has managed to get Tom to clean out his closets today - something I have tried to get him to do for years. It's sort of nice that he can't run away from her. I have so much more to tell but need to sign off and do some "work" work. Please pray that Tom's fever will break and we can continue to care for him at home. Sorry folks . . . Can't seem to get a picture loaded from my iPad. I'll try something different tomorrow.

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