Sunday, July 8, 2012

Ups and downs

Tom is doing pretty good. They will run blood tests again in the morning, mainly to check his hematocrit. If it's low again, they will arrange for him to go to the hospital and get blood. Tom has already told them if he has to go, he wants it to be in the morning so he can get back to rehab and not spend the night in the hospital. His weight is up some so they are going to double his diuretics for a few days. This will make things even more challenging for Tom so please pray for him. He got to get back on his feet in rehab on Friday and walked with the parallel bars. I sure hope nothing will keep him from continuing to do that, and more. One of the best nurses he has had here is now his wound care nurse. She came last night and changed his wound vac. His leg really looks good. I asked her how much longer she thought he would need it, she said maybe a month. I sure hope it is no longer than that. We'll see what Dr. Rosen says on the 23rd. We are happy to report that we have new hardwood on the first floor of the house. Trying to keep the dogs from peeing on it is my new challenge. I have blocked off the bedroom, powder room, dining room, laundry room/office and have plastic everywhere else. It will be several weeks before they sand and finish it. The cabinets and counters need to go in first. Cabinets will go in this Friday. Then we have to wait for them to cut the counter. I keep looking at all the boxes to unpack and think, maybe I should just toss them in the dumpster! The dogs Re handling the changes, noise and such pretty well. They get a workout just going up and down the stairs between the bedrooms and the bonus room. The weather is supposed to get a little cooler tomorrow. We're all looking forward to that. Maybe we'll get some rain too. We got a short shower at the rehab facility yesterday evening. I get credit for it because I had my car washed yesterday :-) We continue to work through challenges. Thanks for praying!

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