Friday, July 13, 2012

What a week

It's been quite a week. Tom is doing better, his blood counts are better and he has received a Procrit injection which is supposed to help boost the red blood cell count (as opposed to being transported to the hospital ER to wait all day for a blood transfusion). He still tends to doze off but he's been working pretty hard in physical therapy. I got a call from the Blue Cross case manager at 7 am on Monday morning telling me that Tom was probably going to be discharged on Thursday! I launched into full-on panic mode! First of all, he can barely walk. He is still having trouble getting up from a seated position and climbing stairs is impossible. After begging, pleading, tears and a great deal of prayer, the case manager called me back and told me she was waiting to hear from the rehab discharge coordinator to put together a discharge plan. At this time he is still in rehab, to the relief of us both, and we'll see what happens next week. He told me today his therapist is recommending a discharge of the 27th. If I can get that confirmed, I will work like crazy to get our floors finished so Tom won't have to climb any steps. In the meantime, he is going to have to push as much as possible to get as strong as possible in a short period of time. Dr. Rutland and his wound care nurse have been preaching to him to "take it slow" but that isn't going to work anymore. There are still challenges. Tom's wound is looking much better, I'm hoping the wound vac will come off before he goes home (if it's the 27th). It's still very painful when he has it changed and he can't always complete all of the PT because of the pain. He takes a mild pain reliever before the dressing change but it is still an open wound. It's discouraging at times but it's also important that the therapists understand the situation and it's not that he's not giving his all in PT. I want Tom to come home so bad, but he's not quite ready. He agrees. Please pray that this will all work out: that Tom will get strong enough to be able to function at home, that agressive healing will continue where necessary and we both get the support we need from the insurance company, healthcare staff and doctors. We have the most beautiful new kitchen cabinets. I can't wait for Tom to see them in person. Two main things remain, countertops and floors. The countertops ae a couple of weeks out and I just need perfect timing to get the floors done. Things like paint and backsplash will get done later, once we have time to pick them out. As I should know, things worked out this week. God provided and I spent a lot of time worrying when I just needed to have faith. Thank you for remembering us!

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