Tuesday, July 12, 2011


The procedure this morning took about 30 minutes.  I realize it's been over for a while but other duties required my attention.

In a nutshell, they found very little - which is a good.  There is a small hiatal hernia and a slight narrowing of the esophagus.  The doctor recommended Gaviscon for the reflux. 

We're hoping Tom can go home today but will need to wait until the doctors can talk together.  There is still some swelling in Tom's legs and they are treating that the same, with diuretics and limited fluid intake.  He will go home with medicine to help control the ammonia level in his system and some antibiotics to make sure this infection is GONE!  Tom said yesterday that when one of the techs we know and love came in and saw him again, she told him she was surprised he didn't have this infection earlier because of all of the antibiotics he has received.  The gastro doc thinks Tom might have had it for longer than just this visit and that it was just masked by other things, so who knows?!?!

Tom will continue his very low salt diet and I'm thinking those "ammonia foods" will have to go as well  - so I'll be making a trip to the food bank.

I'll post later with updates.

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