Sunday, July 10, 2011


Nine is Tom's WBC today!  I asked about the ammonia level and the on-call PCP said he usually checks it once and then prefers to evaluate the patient to determine how things are going since the ammonia level can fluctuate so much.  Tom is more alert so the doc is happy about that.  He thinks Tom will get to go home early this week (assuming the gastro doc concurs).  Tom still has some fluid retention which is what they are working to address with medication, low sodium diet and restriction of fluids.  Tom is not doing as well with the restricted fluids.  Just like anything else, tell someone they can't have something and they want it all the time!  I wonder . . . why couldn't he drink this much when he was at home???

We both slept pretty good last night.  Tom even got up once on his own so I know he can do it and I feel better about not staying tonight.  I think he tends to get better without me here doing stuff for him anyway.  He's napping on and off now so I'm going to head home to do a few things and then come back and stay until this evening.  My neighbors are once again graciously coming over to entertain the puppies - I can't even begin to thank them enough.

Hopefully I'll be back in time to meet with the other docs.  I'll report again later.

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