Friday, June 24, 2011


Tom got a message yesterday from his primary care physician regarding the results of Wednesday's Upper GI test.  They found the barium traveled "slowly" and determined that there is a weak spot in Tom's esophagus.  He is being referred to the stomach doctor he saw when he was in critical care - this is the doctor I liked so much!

Right now the appointment is for mid-July.  Tom is going to try today to see if he can get in earlier.  I suspect there will be more tests, maybe one using a camera for which Tom will need to be sedated (I'm not crazy about that idea).  Anyway, I won't jump to conclusions and will wait . . . and wait.

Tom's swelling is going down - more slowly than we would like it to but it is getting better every day.  It's been an adventurous week.  On Tuesday, I took Tom to the mall for an eye doctor's appointment and new reading glasses (and I got this sweet pair of suede boots - on sale)!!  Yesterday Tom cleaned the carpet and then drove his truck around the block!  I was so excited for him to do this on his own (although I prefer to be closer to home when he takes big steps like this).  Apparently he walked out the back door, used the external keypad to open the garage and then realized he didn't have his truck keys (this is such a Jeanne thing to do).  He had to climb the six steps from the garage and back into the house to get the keys - this was huge since he hasn't really been climbing any stairs.  He said it took him a long time but he did it.  Needless to say he was pretty tired and sore last night.  I know he needs to push himself to build endurance so all-in-all it was a good thing.

Hopefully we can get out some more this weekend! 

Tom has a follow-up appointment with his PCP on Wednesday.  We're praying for more good news about his progress!

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