Thursday, June 9, 2011


Tom is still in the hospital - today marks 3 weeks for this visit!  It is hard to believe.  He is doing better but its just a slow process.  His kidney numbers were the same Wednesday but went down a little today.  They are tapering off his antibiotics - I hope that helps.  He received one unit of blood tonight while I was there and was scheduled to receive a second one right after it.  That should help his energy level and I guess might help everything else too.  He's still receiving magnesium and potassium.  He's also still pretty swollen.  He's moving around and walking as much as he can but it's still quite painful.

We have no idea what the coming home schedule might be - or if it's even possible to consider the chance he might be home this weekend.  I have not been at the hospital to meet with the docs the last two days because of my work schedule so maybe I can catch one or both tomorrow.  I think we're both afraid to ask because we don't want to hear "not this weekend".  We would rather have some hope they would walk in and say "pack your bags". 

I do know that his white blood cell count is much better.  Tom was doing a good job of writing all of that down for a while but I think he realized how much work it is to try to keep up with all of it! 

For now we are praying that the stats look good enough that Tom can go home really, really soon!  We ask that you pray the same.  As always . . . thanks!  We are blessed that you continue to care and check the blog!

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