Friday, June 3, 2011


Today's news is that Tom will be in the hospital over the weekend (again).  His white blood cell count is almost normal, however his kidney numbers are up again.  I thought he had been receiving the diuretic all along but they had only given him one dose.  So, they have started giving him that (via IV) twice a day.  Hopefully this will kick his kidneys back into gear and help him get rid of all of the fluid he is retaining.

His antibiotics have been changed again to help with the kidney function.  It is not unusual for the kidneys to get "upset" when antibiotics are given.  Once they stabilize, Tom should be able to go home.  I asked the doc if they would have to do dialysis again - he said he hoped not but I guess it is a possibility if the diuretics don't work.

Tom is in some pain - mostly legs, ankles and feet where the fluid is accumulating.  His PCP recommended he get out of bed as much as possible.  We went for a walk down the long hallway and back last night so we'll do that again tonight - maybe with a side trip outside.  Tom needs to bond with all of our cicadas before they leave - not to mention the chance to enjoy the 90+ heat!

The docs are not sure whether the infection that caused his white blood cell count to rise was from the original hernia/sepsis infection or the urinary tract infection.  Since they've given him antibiotics to cover just about everything, hopefully it's all under control. 

Tom's appetite is better and he is also drinking a lot more fluids.

On a very happy note, our niece, Meagan, delivered a little boy early this morning.  He's a little guy at 5 pounds, 13 oz.  His name is Ben.  We are blessed to have this new member in our family!

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