Sunday, October 28, 2012


It's kind of difficult to tell if Tom is better today.  He's been sleeping most of the time I have been here.  I am thinking (hoping) it is the extra pain medicine and not his ammonia level.  He seems to know what is going on but still gets confused about some things.  Dr. Richards ordered physical therapy for him today and he sat on the side of the bed.  It didn't seem to hurt him as bad as I thought it would.  It will be interesting to see what Dr. Rutland says tomorrow.  If his ammonia level is down there might not be any "medical" reason for him to stay but if he cannot get up, he still won't be able to go home.  I really don't want him to have to go to rehab for one hour of  physical therapy a day.  I probably just need to quit worrying about something that hasn't happened yet, huh?

We were blessed with a visit from Bob Gaskill, a member of my Sunday School class.  He and his wife Emily have been so good to us, as have all the members of my class.  Tom didn't participate much in the conversation but he was listening with his eyes closed :-)

Praying that Tom will have a pain-free day tomorrow!

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