Wednesday, November 2, 2011


As previously mentioned, being at home doesn't provide much to chat about so I'm not posting as often as I do when Tom is in the hospital.  Hopefully these occasional posts will continue - at least until we get "the call".

So, we're still waiting on "the call" for a liver.  Tom is doing great at home - mostly on his own.  PT is coming 3 times this week.  Bob, a friend and fellow Sunday School class member, came over and spent some time with Tom yesterday.  I may work from home a few hours tomorrow (Thursday).  While he is doing this well, I am logging as many hours at the office as possible.  Besides, the puppies drive me crazy! 

Tom's friends from work, Dave and David, came over Sunday and built a new ramp at the back door.  Many years ago, Tom built a ramp for Maxie when it became difficult for her to get up the steps.  After Maxie died, we kept the ramp but it was beginning to rot.  The new one is much longer so we're all trying to get used to it. 

Tom's doctors appointment with his PCP here in Nashville is Monday afternoon.  We're anxious to get blood tests done to see if they will bump Tom up on the list.

Please join us in praying that "the call" will come soon!

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