Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Tom has had a couple of doctors appointments since my last post and the news continues to be good.  I'll be honest, we both tend to hold our breath the day of the doctors visit as well as the day after since that is when the blood test results come back.  It has been four weeks since Tom left the hospital - a record.  We are so thankful.

Tom's "numbers" are all good.  This includes kidneys, liver and all of the things like sodium, calcium, magnesium, sugar level, etc. There is no infection anywhere!  He has lost a bit of weight in the past two weeks which baffles the doctors - especially since his stats are stable.  He is not dehydrated, which is good, and he seems to have plenty of energy.  He continues to build his strength on his own and with a few remaining physical therapy appointments.  His PCP keeps telling him to eat!  Although he doesn't have much of an appetite, he is eating because he knows he needs to.  I am really proud of the way he is watching his sodium intake.  The doctor basically said to eat whatever he wants - in moderation of course.  He is no longer on the fluid restriction and several medications he was on have either been reduced or discontinued all together.  Tom used to take some medication for high blood pressure but that hasn't been a problem since he first got sick.  His blood pressure has been better than mine all summer!

Tom will see the kidney doc and gastroenterologist for follow-up appointments in the next few weeks at the request of his PCP.

We continue to praise God for these blessings!

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