Friday, November 30, 2012


Tom will have an endoscopy this afternoon.  We were told it was going to be this morning so we're very upset that Tom has to wait all day with no food or drink.  His ammonia level is 56 today but his WBC is 18.  Dr. Rutland started giving him IV antibiotics yesterday - I think that helped his ammonia level.  Tom still "hurts everywhere" but I think he is thinking a little more clearly this morning.  He's just so sore that he can't think about anything else.  I can't get him to give me anything specific about his pain:  type, where, etc. 

I didn't see Dr. Rutland or Dr. Miller yesterday so I don't know what they are thinking.  I know they ran a couple of more tests (urine & C-Diff) yesterday but do not know the results.  Tom ate about half of a small lunch and dinner yesterday - I tried giving him as much as I could because I knew he would be hungry this morning.  He drank a lot of tea last night.  It seems like he is holding more and more fluid.  That really bothers me. 

Tom said he worked with the physical therapists yesterday but couldn't remember what they had him do.  I checked with his nurse but she wasn't sure if he had PT or not.

The ammonia medication was really "doing its thing" yesterday so that made Tom miserable too.  He told me the nurse & tech were very irritated with him.  When the nurse came in last night, I commented that Tom mentioned she was irritated with him and he wanted to apologize.  I think it surprised her and she said she wasn't irritated.  I believe Tom!

I don't want them to find anything wrong today but I want them to be able to fix whatever is making Tom feel bad so I'm struggling on how to pray.  I just want Tom to feel better!

I'll update after the procedure.

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